Churn management

Proactively prevent churning and increase customer loyalty with personalized campaigns to increase customer engagement.


Client’s challenges:

The churn rate demonstrates the efficiency of your business: if you're actively acquiring new customers but can't retain them, you're wasting precious acquisition dollars and sinking marketing ROI. That’s why proactive churn management is essential for business profitability, but it comes with its hurdles.

Businesses need good data and the capacity to unify it for meaningful analysis and activation in churn prediction and personalized reactivation campaigns. However, navigating the complexities of data isn't easy.

The challenge is to connect your satisfaction survey with users behaviour and create cross-channel campaigns that would aim at retaining users with coupon offers once they indicate low satisfaction rate or exhibit any other signs of churning.

Meiro’s solutions:

At Meiro, we understand the challenges e-commerce businesses face in maintaining customer loyalty. That's why our Customer Data Platform goes beyond the conventional, offering functionality to set up and automate tailored strategies to predict and prevent churn effectively.

  • Consolidation of various churn indicators: We leverage diverse signals from multiple channels, empowering your teams with actionable insights into customer behavior.
  • Tailored algorithms: Our machine learning algorithms can be customized to your business specificity and needs, ensuring the accuracy of the predictions.
  • Precisechurn alerts: Timely notifications enable you to take proactive customer retention measures.
  • Seamless integration with marketing channels: Churn alerts can trigger dynamically personalized campaigns aimed to re-engage at-risk customers.
  • Personalized recommendations: Dynamically recommend products based on historical customer profiles, enhancing relevance and retention.
Select industry:
Churn rate
Customer lifetime value (CLV)
Repeat purchase rate (RPR)
Retention rate
Customer service
Online ads
Push notifications
Web banners
Looking for ways to improve campaign performance, find new customers, and drive revenue?

Look no further — unleash the full potential of your customer data with Meiro.

More use cases to explore


Personalize CX to anonymous visitors

Reengage and convert unauthenticated users with web personalization thanks to 1st-party tracking.

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Win back dissatisfied customers

Proactively prevent customer churn by offering them attractive coupons to compensate for their low satisfaction score and thus improve your NPS.

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Request feedback

Enhance your customer experience by collecting feedback and improving your business to meet customer expectations.

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