
Single Customer View

It all starts here. You don’t need 26 views of a customer in every tool. You need one. One that is updated in real time and contains data from all main company touchpoints. This allows you to segment, target, and personalize on the fly.

Clean data for greater efficiency

Meiro pays special attention to data collection with its intelligent data layer and data collector, which is often a shortcoming of MarTech systems. High quality and clean data are the foundation to making your marketing efforts simply work.


Connect the dots about your customers

Another critical part is Identity Graph – the algorithmic way to recognize customers on different platforms and connect their different timelines of data in real time. All so you can better understand their behavior for your needs.


What you need, to know what your customers’ need

The best and most insightful view of a customer is not a real-life one, but a real-time data model. With Meiro CDP, you can quickly design triggers that will launch the right action on the right platform when certain behavioral conditions are met. For example: Remove a customer from unnecessary remarketing campaigns as soon as you have learned they transacted.


Ready to maximize your user data potential in and engage customers in the most meaningful way?

Learn how our customer data platform (CDP) equipped with native omnichannel marketing tools, help organizations worldwide boost revenue growth and improve customer satisfaction.
