Promo code to complement an offline purchase

After a recent purchase, reward your customers with a coupon or a recommendation for a complementary product to re-engage and encourage them to repeat the purchase.


Client’s challenges:

The key challenge in this use case is to connect data from different sources such as your CRM and mailing list to create a meaningful interaction with your users.

Meiro’s solutions:

With Meiro, you can connect to any instance where you store your data and create campaigns based on customer interactions from different touchpoints, online and offline. As such, you can reward customers that have recently bought at your brick-and-mortar store with a true omnichannel experience by offering them a complementary item or a discount on their next purchase.

E-commerce & Retail
Conversion rate (CR)
Customer lifetime value (CLV)
Repeat purchase rate (RPR)
Total revenue
Push notifications
Web banners
Looking for ways to improve campaign performance, find new customers, and drive revenue?

Look no further — unleash the full potential of your customer data with Meiro.

More use cases to explore


Personalize CX to anonymous visitors

Reengage and convert unauthenticated users with web personalization thanks to 1st-party tracking.

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Win back dissatisfied customers

Proactively prevent customer churn by offering them attractive coupons to compensate for their low satisfaction score and thus improve your NPS.

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Request feedback

Enhance your customer experience by collecting feedback and improving your business to meet customer expectations.

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