March update: Better version of Mobile Push

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This upgrade focused on the Mobile Push channel, streamlining your campaign management and adding functionality for optimizing both customer experience and engagement.

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Pavel Bulowski

Chief Product Officer | Co-Founder

We’re happy to announce another update of our CDP released last week! This upgrade focused on the Mobile Push channel, streamlining your campaign management and adding functionality for optimizing both customer experience and engagement. Let’s dive right in!

Manage campaigns across all apps from one place

Save time and effort by configuring and running campaigns for multiple apps and OS directly from the Mobile Push interface without switching. Manage campaigns across all apps from one place

Optimize user interaction with your notifications for better engagement

Configure the notification actions to improve the engagement of your push campaigns. Choose how recipients interact with your messages, whether by opening the app, browser, or a deep link. Configure the notification actions - meiro mobile push

Add images to your messages.

Create visually compelling push notifications — adding images to the push messages will help break through the users’ alert fatigue and boost campaign engagement. add images to mobile push notifications

Test and quality control your messages

You can now send previews to test campaigns to ensure everything looks and functions exactly as intended before reaching your audience. testing mobile push notifications - meiro

Improve app functionality and user engagement.

Create a more tailored and interactive app experience where notifications do more than inform but engage and activate. With custom mobile push notification settings, you can guide users to specific app sections, personalize content, and even manage their access to features or offers. Create a more tailored and interactive app experience

Reach your users even if they're offline

Set up custom time-to-live for up to 4 weeks. All notifications will be stored and delivered within this timeframe, ensuring users won’t miss relevant communication. image2.png

Check our documentation to learn more about how you can take advantage of the latest product improvements and get started with the upgraded version of Mobile Push.

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pavel bulowski
Pavel Bulowski

Pavel stands behind all the smooth operations and business growth. You would run into him in the queue at airports rather than in one place. Besides that, he enjoys chess, boxing, and history.