Welcome to Marketer's diary!

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Meet Vera and her marketer's diary. She will share with you what she has learned trying to get the most out of the customer data. Literally it's a guide through CDP.

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Pavel Bulowski

Chief Product Officer | Co-Founder

Blog-img-marketers-diary.png Hey there! Welcome to my diary, I am Vera and I am an ordinary full-stack marketer. Let’s “meet” on this page on a regular basis. I will for your benefit do my best to share my daily struggles in marketing. You know, the good, the bad and the ugly. Like when you buy a fancy marketing automation platform after a smooth sales pitch only to find out that you are stuck with a glorified email tool.

I bet you’ve already asked yourself, who the heck is this girl? Well, I have been in the online world for over five years, having started at an ad agency before making the leap to Meiro over a year ago. I am not a marketing star. Not yet, ok? On the other hand, I am gaining everyday essential experience by using our Customer Data Platform on our channels and it has been a crazy ride! I swear I am not going to try to convince you this is what you need! Or teaching you the best marketing tactics, but I will share what I have learned. In real life.

I personally don’t like vague content giving you only general advice, mainly titled as best practice, the stuff you can find on thousands of all marketing/ business-related sites. This marketer’s diary will focus on daily work trying to get the most out of customer data. I think you will find it relatable because I bet you, I am dealing with the same problems as you. But I won’t lie, Meiro Customer Data Platform changed my life in a way I didn’t expect. So read on, come back for more and ehm, subscribe or something!

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pavel bulowski
Pavel Bulowski

Pavel stands behind all the smooth operations and business growth. You would run into him in the queue at airports rather than in one place. Besides that, he enjoys chess, boxing, and history.