Deliver a great customer experience with Meiro’s new partner, GPI

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We are glad to announce that we have a new partner on board with us – PT Global Poin Industries (GPI) who is based in Indonesia and operates Indonesia’s leading coalition loyalty, GetPlus.

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Pavel Bulowski

CPO | Co-Founder

We are glad to announce we have a new partner on board with us – PT Global Poin Industries (GPI) who is based in Indonesia and operates Indonesia’s leading coalition loyalty, GetPlus.


GPI brings data and customer experience together

GPI is a well-known company in Indonesia focused on helping companies leverage data to drive revenue and returns through exceptional customer experience. GPI combines technology, software, bespoke consulting, and managed services to help businesses deliver the best possible experience for their customers. From assessing client needs to consult on their marketing technology stack to implementation & maintenance.

A strong partnership is key

We see a lot of companies are interested in implementing Meiro CDP to maximise their customer data. However, some needed additional support in implementing it into their already complicated martech stack and their existing business strategy. With GPI, companies can get expert advice for implementation & consulting and hit the ground running with a shorter learning curve.

“We are thrilled to partner with GPI as we believe this partnership will enable our clients to drive better results from optimal utilization of Meiro Customer Data Platform. We see many organizations shifting from product to customer-centric model of operation to optimize the customer experience. The success of digital transformation projects lies in the ability to align technology with defined new digital strategies, restructuring the processes, updating the skillset of the teams, and redefining the measurements. This is where GPI’s expertise will come in to bridge the gap” highlighted Manish Gambir, Meiro Partnerships and Business Solutions Manager.

Commenting on this partnership, Adrian Hoon, GPI COO, said: “We chose to partner with Meiro CDP as they could meet our client’s needs – they could do hybrid implementation (in the cloud & on-premise), their platform is business user-friendly (very easy to use without much technical knowledge), and most importantly, they were open in assisting us in guiding and consulting our clients around using and maximising their CDP for marketing.” 

With this strategic alliance, we can make great tech accessible and help clients to achieve better marketing results.

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pavel bulowski
Pavel Bulowski

Pavel stands behind all the smooth operations and business growth. You would run into him in the queue at airports rather than in one place. Besides that, he enjoys chess, boxing, and history.